Saturday, December 29, 2012

5 Things About Low Glycemic Foods You Need to Know

Low glycemic foods are useful for weight control because they control your appetite by leaving you feeling fuller between meals. Low glycemic diets offer shown to reduce levels of insulin and improve insulin tenderness.

About The Glycemic Index

The index list (GI) ranks carbohydrates based on a scale from 0 in order to 100 that measures the amount to which they raise blood sugar after eating.

Foods with a high GI individuals which are rapidly waste and absorbed and play a role in dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low GI foods are the type of which are slowly digested and absorbed and propose gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Here are 5 suggestions about low GI foods you need to understand:

1. High Glycemic Foods As well as Health Risks

High GI diets have many health risks such elegant . increased serum triglyceride levels (fat with the bloodstream)and decreased HDL blood choleseterol levels ("good cholesterol")levels, diabetes (type 2) and increased serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation which are usually predictors of cardiovascular problem.

2. Glycemic Index Ranking:

The glycemic index (GI) can be a measure of the degree carbohydrates within a food raise blood sugar (glucose) levels if they're consumed. Below is a new GI ranking scale:

-High Glycemic Food-70 and the ones above

-Medium Glycemic Food-56-69

-Low Glycemic Food-55 and the ones below

3. Benefits Of Crashing Glycemic Foods:

High GI foods in many cases are detrimental to your health especially if you are overweight and less active. Switching to a service consisting mainly low glycemic carbohydrate and lean proteins will continue to keep your blood sugar taking levels better balanced and you'll feel fuller for time-consuming.

4. Lower GI foods have several advantages:

Weight control, reduced body fat and lower cholesterol are just a few benefits a wholesale GI diet.

5. How To Switch To put Low GI Diet

Switching with a low GI diet can be easily achieved by swapping very expensive GI foods for curb glycemic carbs. You don't have to count numbers to have a healthy, low GI healthy diet. An even easier way is to use a low glycemic cookbook with quick, easy to make recipes done for you will get.

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