Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid - An Easy Way to Be in Good Health

The Mediterranean diet is recognized as capable of reducing potential risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Many studies of Mediterranean populations of southern Countries in europe showed it.

The Mediterranean diet pyramid determines in a good way, the proportions of each family of food to eat.

By following the recommendations of the chart, you put away heart disease and cancer. You even keep an earlier appearance longer.

Why? Because this type of diet gives our body all of the nutrients it needs: vitamins, trace elements, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, essential fatty acids... It does not or hardly brings foods that our bodies not need. What keeps our try to fight disease and delay the aging.

The "modern" food is really responsible for an inadequate intake over these nutrients. On or often a state of fatigue, and less resistance to germs.

Moreover, our so-called modern diet often contains a higher proportion of sugar and fats.

What are the fatty acids? They are mostly margarines that are produced artificially and incredibly long vegetable oils. Because these oils are created industrially, seeds (soybean, sunflower, corn, grapeseed... are often overheated as well as oil is extracted out of every chemical solvents).

The Mediterranean preferably use essential olive oil that supports the cooking and can be used to season salads and some fruits. This oil has substantially proven itself as food for good health. The unsaturated fats in olive oil reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol. These polyphenols help to combat excess free radicals. The excess free radicals brought on by pollution, radiation or cigarette smoke increases the cancer potential for myocardial infarction and maximise aging.

Vegetables, fruits, whole grains like entree are important within this cuisine. The garlic either deep fried or with salad is widely used. This food has these phones decrease blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. It contributes to leading role against a new arteriosclerosis.. Moreover, it bout many germs and anti-virus.

The fish is consumed as much as twice a week but it can be eaten every day when problem. Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acid. However, the ideal proportion between the intake of omega 6 and omega3 should never exceed (1 / 5) Not more than 5 times more Omega6 than the omega3. But in our "modern" cuisine the capability are often of 1 / 10 or 1 / 15. Most cooking natural oils, margarine, dairy products and meat are full of omega 6. However, excess omega-6 predisposes to cardiovascular disease and some arthritis.

In addition, omega 3 improve blood circulation and decrease the chance of blood clots in a arteries.

The chicken creates protein, like fish and red meat. But this food is low in saturated fats. Fats that are generally considered bad for that arteries.

Besides the Mediterranean diet contains hardly any red meat because first off, there were only goats and sheep during these regions. The meat in these animals was few inhaling; these animals were used primarily for his or her milk and hair.

The goat cheese and sheep contain much less saturated fat than cow parmesan cheesse. They therefore rise low cholesterol.

Regular consumption of dark wine in moderation (two cups of 10 cl per day) significantly decreases potential risk of cardiovascular disease. The famous "French Paradox" is equipped with thus been identified

Should we remove the sweets, cakes, ice lotion? No, it must be a treat from time to time. But once or twice a week is up.

Also, if you can take your meals with a friendly way with family or friends members, it is and more. You will digest better and be less stressed. You will get a lot less hungry amongst the meals

Finally, moderate physical activity will get healthy. A half hour walk a day or three times a night a week, for instance, would be perfect

By after the recommendations of the med diet pyramid, you has decided to feel in better medical. You will decrease your chance of heart problems and growth. So why not purchase?

You can also watch this blog for more details on the the lowerldlcholesterol. blogspot. com Mediterranean diet pyramid

I am passionate about disease prevention and assorted medicines. I firmly believe that lots of diseases can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle.

About lowerldlcholesterol. blogspot. com/ mediterranean diet recipes

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