Friday, November 8, 2013

What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

Although cholesterol serves many essential roles keep our bodies better for your family it receives more attention when you're harmful to our system's. It is harmful whether there is too much in our bodies. We produce about 80% of the cholesterol that is needed by the body naturally in the liver. The rest is needed to obtained through dietary manufactures. However when too the majority of cholesterol is consumed through dietary means then the cholesterol level becomes elevated and this might lead to health problems. Thickening of the arteries is a consequence of high cholesterol levels. This can lead to bp and other cardiovascular disorder. So what is a normal cholesterol level? This article creates the facts and figures depending on American Heart Association and telling you they mean.

The guidelines set by the American Heart Association are as follows:

Total cholesterol:

Less than 200 mg/dl is certainly desirable outcome (mg/dl means milligrams of cholesterol the best deciliter of blood).

200 mg/dl to 239mg/dl is found borderline high risk.

240 mg/dl referred to as to by at a higher risk to heart disease along cardiovascular diseases.

Total cholesterol includes both Low-density and high-density lipoproteins cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol should be bad cholesterol because it tends to adhere to the wall of the arteries that leads to atherosclerosis and eventually coronary heart disease.

The guideline for BLOOD CHOLESTEROL cholestrol is:

Less than 100mg/dl is optimal

100mg/dl to 129 mg/dl will always be near optimal

130mg/dl to 159mg/dl is definitely borderline high

160mg/dl to 189mg/dl is high

190mg/dl is particularly high

HDL cholesterol should be good cholesterol because it helps transport excess cholesterol to liver where it has been excreted.

The guideline for HDL cholesterol is the higher the better. The threshold is 40mg/dl for men and 50mg/dl for your woman. Any lower than those readings will most likely be considered high risk for cardiovascular.

The key to reducing Ldl cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol would be to eat a healthy diet of fresh and low - fat foods. You should get some exercise regularly. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise per morning hours. Quit smoking because it lowers selection HDL cholesterol in the body.

Find out more about determine take a lowcholesteroldieting. com/Reduce_Cholesterol. web-page coding cholesterol test at lowcholesteroldieting. net lowcholesteroldieting. com. Adrian Whittle writes on the business of reducing cholesterol, including lowcholesteroldieting. com/Cholesterol_Medication. html ldl medication

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