Saturday, February 16, 2013

Low Carb Diet - Pros and Cons

Low carb diet is one of the most popular weight great loss diets today. The idea behind this diet is simple, it is supposed to limit the intake of carbohydrates that you've got found in rice, grain, bread and some regarding vegetables and food. One of the famous low carb diet is Atkins diet. The consequence for this diet is weight losses.

If you are wondering how limiting fruits and vegetables can help you drop pounds while some strictly go for vegetable and fruit diets, here is quick explanation:

- Carbs are the main source of meals, they are converted on to sugar during the digestion and as the sugar levels rise in this particular body so does lots of other insulin. The theory goes that large quantities of insulin use sugar because main energy source and prevent fat to use as the energy flow. In other words, clothes limit the carb intake you're force your body in order to fat as the source of energy and burn the device.

This is just a concept of the low carb weight loss results; it hasn't been proven that actually works while doing the mission described above. So let's search the pros and cons of a low carb diet.


- Along the way of control the calorie intake

- The fullness effects lasts for a long time with this diet

- It may lower the blood choleseterol levels

- Easy long term diet


- This will increase your cholesterol levels otherwise monitored

- If stopped suddenly unwanted weight may return in no time

- It may be you are loosing weight when you find yourself losing water weight not considered fat

- You will not be getting enough fiber without even fruits and vegetables

As you will probably find it has more disadvantages than pros, after every part, every healthy weight loss diet is centered on fruits and vegetables give up proper eating habits well , exercises. There are no ups and downs foods to choose just in case, just the way you eat.

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