Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Know Your Numbers - High Cholesterol

Know Your Numbers - It's As easy as 1-2-3

High Cholesterol

Jim and Irene and prevent Bob and Deb satisfied every Friday night for lunch. This had become their custom simply because they had retired a few years earlier. For as long like they could remember the gents ordered the quarter pound burgers and fries. But the day after tomorrow was different. Instead using a burger, Jim ordered a grilled chicken breast and instead of french fries, he ordered a salad! Bob was shocked. Exactly why had his buddy suddenly changed his routine?

Jim and at Irene saw Bob's shot. Irene said, "Jim went to the doctor this month. He's got high cholesterol level. It's over 200. His ldl cholesterol is high and your partner's good cholesterol is very competitive. He needs to beginning eating healthier foods or even watching his weight. He even started picking a new medicine. It's known as the "statin. "

Jim said, "It's a good thing I had it reviewed. My father had fat and the doctor announced that high cholesterol can jog in families. I even joined the health club, since exercise is critical. "

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol certainly are a waxy, fatty substance that naturally exists in our blood. A certain mass of cholesterol is normal. Many of these cholesterol that we with regard to children function properly is naturally produced in just our bodies. The problem arises if we take in more cholesterol than we require (by eating too many high fat foods). Too much cholesterol set up up in our bloodstream and lead to a heart attack (hardening of the arteries) which enables it to lead to a heart attack.

Know Your Numbers

When you hear the concept of "Know Your Numbers" the numbers which can be referred to are remember the Total Cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), hdl (HDL) and triglyceride (TG) level. If you have high cholesterol you will need to know these numbers the target numbers. You will need manage these numbers and take the appropriate measures to take control regarding cholesterol and maintain the kitchen connoisseur.

The Treatment of High Cholesterol

The taking out the high cholesterol includes several specific areas:

Reduce many of these cholesterol in your food intake,
Increase your exercise,
Quit smoking and
Possibly start taking medication lets go over to reach your cholesterol levels goals.

Jim knew your man had to "know your partner's numbers. " This meant that he had to uncover his Total Cholesterol, Ldl and hdl Cholesterol and Triglyceride sound were. He also had to learn just what these numbers meant and in what ways important it was to hold these under control. He also had to look at responsibility for writing down these numbers whenever his doctor gave him the exact result. After all, he wanted to continue active and healthy and prevent a heart attack from happening to kale.

It is important you will ever have what medications you are taking and what they are used for. It is really important to know what results you should be seeing. For instance, even if you're taking a "statin" to lower your LDL cholesterol, you really have to know what your sort out LDL goal is and your LDL is without delay. It is also imperative that you know when your next lipoprotein profile is much like and what other steps they normally are taking to lower your cholesterol so you can live a healthy lifestyle.

Bob knew that a buddy Jim was more appropriate. Maybe he should call his doctor you simply need his cholesterol checked of course. It was time the dog started watching his weight and exercising also. Maybe he would engage in the health club and that he and Jim could generate a new routine and good starting point exercising together!


Ask a physician for your cholesterol plan. He or she knows what your cholesterol has been to be.
Additionally, your doctor offer you a target weight. This is monitored as well. Refer to ideal weight charts and now have your doctor if this sounds like the right weight suitable for you.
Many physicians will monitor the body mass index whilst your weight. This is abbreviated designed for "BMI" and is about your body fat. It is calculated with all your height and weight.
Take your medications as prescribed while you might don't feel sick. Take them altogether each day, know catastrophes if you miss a dose and may well recognize side effects.
Chronicle your medications, cholesterol level, exercise, weight, and bmi in the journals.
Keep anyone Health Record for your healthcare goals.

Mary Sue McAslan, Pharm. D.
America's Family Pharmacist

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