Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Six Pack Abs Diet - Top 3 Evil Foods to Avoid

Bad dietary habits are the main reason why most people don't have visible stomach muscles. You can be training hard and extended, but if you ' eat calories than you get rid of, your body fat could not be low enough for you to see your six pack nylon.

Here are the trendiest 3 evil foods to avoid even if you're serious about getting stomach muscles.

1. Trans fats

Bad trans fats comes in the form of partially or fully hydrogenated petrolum oils. In the hydrogenation direction, vegetable oils are extracted at high temperature and pressure using metal solvents and hydrogen petrol. Then, they are smoke cleaned, bleached and deodorised. The chemical alteration turns liquid petrol into semi solid (partially hydrogenated) actually solid (fully hydrogenated) at most of the room temperature.  

Hydrogenated oils are used in processed and packaged foods not to mention cookies, cakes, pies, donuts, crackers, peanut butter, salad sauces, shortening and margarine to extend their shelf life. If you notice "trans fats" or "hydrogenated oils" for auction on a label, avoid the diet plan completely.

Fried foods are another unhealty crap with trans fat and full off calories. Frying destroys essential fatty acids and other nutrients.

Trans fats don't simply make you fat and demand more fatty foods. They raise low density liproproteins (also following that LDLs and bad cholesterol) and cause inflammation within your body, increasing your risk elevated in cholesterol, clogged arteries, a heart attack, diabetes and cancer.

2. Refined sugar and expensive fructose corn syrup

If you have a sweet tooth, you are more likely to consume too much revamped sugar (in candy, chocolate, sweets, sodas, donuts, cakes, fruit juices and cereals). During food labels, watch the time for glucose, sucrose, dextrose, maltose and all other word ending in -ose. All these fancy names mean the same thing: sugar.

High fructose corn syrup is employed to sweeten sodas, fruit juices, ketchup, cereals, cakes, cookies, sauces, salad dressings, plus more. It is the top sweetener utilized in most food products because of low cost.

Refined sugar and sugars are loaded with empty calories that do not effectively satisfy your appetite. They contain no nutrients and then try to easily overconsume. Both cause wild fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels, which prevent fat burn and promote fat storage.

They also cause diseases as well as other damages to the individual like diabetes, cancer, adhd (ADHD), osteoporosis, yeast overgrowth and heart disease.

3. White bread (white flour)

It's an over simplication to say white bread is fattening. White flour (a improved carbohydrate), used to round up white bread, crackers, bagels, donuts and cakes, is responsible.

The processing of whole grain converts it from high carbohydrate (whole grain) with regard to refined carbohydrate (white flour) without much, if any, nutritional capacity. All vitamins, minerals and fiber are in fact removed. The effects of refined carbs on blood sugar and insulin levels are similar to refined sugar (see a pair of above).  

Stick with 100% whole grains for anyone who is keep the belly fat laden calories off!

A six pack abs diet associated with natural, wholesome and natural foods. It's not about going on a low carb or small diet. We need things macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) for proper functioning of our bodies.

Remember, abs are made in the kitchen, NOT in the gymnasium!

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