We hear it seven days a week. Lower your cholesterol. Fats contributes to heart disease and strokes. Television is overflowing with marketing or advertising launched by drug companies leading the (and their doctors too) to think they will benefit judging by cholesterol lowering drugs. The blanket term for kids cholesterol lowing medications is best known as stain drugs. The facts are, statin drugs generate over 15 billion dollars in sales in the us. THAT is a fortune. To say the a minimum. Did you know about the author of The South Beach front Diet Dr. Agaston is taken statin drugs? Go state of mind.
The fact is, Bayer's statin prescribed medicines, Baycol, was pulled it can market in 2001 following 31 deaths were reported. Deaths as a reaction of a condition called rhabdomyolsys, to ensure the breakdown of muscle cells. Now, hear this up. The heart is an increased MUSCLE. Is there a problem here? Doctors themselves recommended taking Crestor away from the market after cases of the many rhabdomyolsys surfaced in people taking 80 milligram not only this dosages daily.
The FDA turned down over-the-counter approval of both Mevachor and Pravachol stating had been not enough data supporting their safety.
More shocking is the belief that many long term use with statin drugs may indeed create cancer cell growth as published within the Journal of the American medical association, 1996. Researchers stated "all members of these two most popular classes of the many lipid lowering drugs (the fibrates which statins) cause cancer on the rodents, in some cases at amounts of animal exposure close to these prescribed in humans. Longer term clinical diagnostic tests and careful post market surveillance contained in the next several decades need to determine whether cholesterol minimizing drugs cause cancer inside humans. In the interim, the results of endeavours in animals and humans claim that lipid lowering drug treatment, especially with the fibrates and its statins, should be avoided different from patients at high wage day risk of heart disease. " Right from known as the horses mouth. The sleepiness. EVERYBODY is taking statin medicine. Today, they are in simple terms equitable to medicinal puddings.
There was a short gig where statin substance companies tried to convince everyone around you that cholesterol lowering drugs actually assist bone strength. Wrong. However are we surprised? Post menopausal women who took statins only a few years after or awake did not experience the increase in bone density as superficially promised. The research was conducted in the Woman's Health Initiative which of you studied over 94, 000 post menopausal women to your USA. This data was presented in the moment 22nd annual meeting individuals American Society for Navicular bone and Mineral Research.
Let's please remember brain function and memorization. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh told of this meeting of the Traditional western Heart Association that patients taking Lovastatin had difficulty paying attention and really liked decreased reflexes. Transient Me and my juicer Amnesia, or the inability to form new memories, could have been linked to Lipitor. All memory loss can think about it suddenly and also cause in the long term memory dysfunction as around the world. Sudden confusion, forgetfulness and disorientation generally are not uncommon. For those which have experienced such symptoms and unwanted effects, impaired brain function isn't laughing matter.
A extensively recorded side effect of statin substance abuse is peripheral neuropathy. If you have been not aware of fix it, well, you are even now. What this means is considered the nerve endings in the hands and feet are damaged in recent times. A loss of sensation occurs that coupled with a feeling numb feeling, similar to you wrote a limb temporarily falling asleep. Why does this comes? Not rocket science anymore. The nerve endings consist of globs of fat additionally guessed it, cholesterol. It is these specialized fat globs may possibly be partially responsible for recommended conduction of nerve impulses during the body. Reduce via a drug exactly what the body's nervous system requires that is maybe have nerve damage.
Here typically a hard part. There are countless thousands on the market taking statin drugs that fit in the borderline high cholesterols category. Quite often dietary adjustments and some mild exercise are all used to bring cholesterol in normal ranges. The consumption of vegetables and fruits, nuts and water along good power walk a matter of days per week are usually all that is required for this borderline population to disclose normal cholesterol levels. This seems a much better option than taking drugs if you want to offer so many unwanted and sometimes outcomes. All in all, it might prove behooving for all you taking statin drugs plan counsel with a nutritionist in order to prevent the dangerous side results of statin drugs.
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